Sunday, February 18, 2007

Morning Routine with Soundtrack

We know our lives will change drastically in the next few months with the coming of Baby Ralf, but we hope that some routines will stay the same. Every morning we wake up in the dark and have coffee by candlelight in bed. I take a shower, Jim takes the dog out for her morning download, and the coffee is ready to go when we are done. Jim lights the candle, arranges the pillows, and I grab the coffee. This is Cady's signal that it is her only opportunity during the day to hop up and join the us on the bed.

After about an half hour we shift into "get to work" gear. Jim starts to make breakfast and I make the lunches. As we eat and get ready for our day Jim selects something from Rhapsody to get us reved up for the day. Sometimes we need the easy listening of Singer/Songwriter radio, sometimes we need a taste of the Cape and listen to WMVY, and other days we need a specific tune to get us going.

This morning it was Car Wash by Rose Royce. It is important for proper blood flow to the brain and heart to make washing movements with your arms as you dance around the house. Am I Sexy? by the Lords of Acid requires a more technical dance. You must do a little bit of a "boody shake" due to the theme of the song. This allows happy endorphines to make dendritic connections in the brain that will drown out the dreary gloomy thoughts of upcoming daily tasks. And then if you need a little more angst in your morning The Distance by Cake is sure to fire you up to get you down the long road of your day.

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